Our April 29th event is now sold-out! We cannot accept any new requests.
If you previously requested a ticket or a table at our meeting or via contact with an HCREC board member, you can no longer pay on line. That option has closed as we are sold-out. If you wish to go on a waiting list for possible cancellations, please email Kathy Rapp at rapp1422@gmail.com or text her at 863 381-1390.
Highlands County Republicans Present
Our April 29th event is now sold-out!
We cannot accept any new requests.
If you previously requested a ticket or a table at our meeting or via contact with an HCREC board member, you can no longer pay on line. That option has closed as we are sold-out. If you wish to go on a waiting list for possible cancellations, please email Kathy Rapp at rapp1422@gmail.com or text her at 863 381-1390.
Paid political advertisement paid for and approved by the Highlands County Republican Executive Committee. www.highlands.gop Not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee.
Thank you for helping to make this event a great success.