C. Raymond McIntyre, CFA
Highlands County Property Appraiser
Our September meeting will be on Thursday September 8 and our guest speaker will be C. Raymond McIntyre, Highlands County Property Appraiser. Do you know how your property is evaluated for tax purposes? Highlands County Property Appraiser Raymond McIntyre will provide an informative update and answer your questions. https://www.hcpao.org/About/MeetYourAppraiser
The meeting will be held at the Island View Restaurant Banquet Hall located at 5223 Sun N Lake Blvd, Sebring, FL Meeting begins at 6:30 PM. Dinner (optional) 5-6 PM. Guests are asked to RSVP.
County Commissioner Arlene Tuck was scheduled to speak at our September 8th meeting, but due to an unexpected personal schedule conflict we have rescheduled her planned speaking appearance to our October 13th meeting.
Arlene Tuck, Candidate for re-election to the Highlands County Commission, District 4. (See: https://www.facebook.com/ArleneTuckforHighlands/
The HIGHLANDS COUNTY REPUBLICAN PARTY HEADQURTERS is located at 2934 Sparta Road, Sebring, 33870. Phone 863.402.5456. Stop by and visit! Help Keep Florida Red! Volunteer at https://highlands.gop/volunteer/. We welcome your support! Thank you for contributing at
Paid political advertisement paid for by the Highlands County Republican Executive Committee. www.highlands.gop Not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee.