Dr. Brenda Longshore, Superintendent of Schools
Our next Highlands County Republican meeting will be on Thursday, February 9th, 2023, at the Island View Restaurant located at 5223 Sun N Lake Blvd. in Sebring, FL. The meeting will begin at 6:30 PM. Dinner (optional) 5 – 6 PM. Invite family and friends to attend with you. Our guest speaker will be Dr. Brenda Longshore, Superintendent of Schools. Guests are requested to RSVP.
The office of the Superintendent provides professional leadership and guidance for the county system of public education and carries out the policies, procedures, and duties authorized by law, State Board of Education, and the School Board of Highlands County. This office provides central support to all schools as well as the administrative offices. The goals of the Superintendent’s Office are as follows:
- To facilitate the development and implementation of the best possible educational practices;
- To facilitate the development and implementation of the best possible curriculum for students;
- To assist Principals and Administrators in implementing those practices, as well as meeting requirements established by law and regulations;
- To ensure that Principals and Administrators are informed on current issues and on the plans or actions of Federal and State government.